The 2nd Sino-British Workshop for The Future of Energy Storage and Policy was held on May 25-26 in Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IPE-CAS), Beijing. British delegation including David Bacon, Science Councillor and British Ambassador, Nick Winser FREng, Executive Director of National Grid of UK and Prof. Brain Collins CB FREng, chief scientific advisor to Department for Business, Innovation & Skills and Department for Transport of UK participated.
Li Jinghai, vice president of CAS and Richard Williams OBE, FREng, pro vice chancellor of University of Leeds, cochaired the workshop. Vice minister of Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) Cao Jianlin, former director of National Energy Administration, Zhang Guobao and Li Jinghai as Chinese representatives attended the workshop.
On behalf of the two sides, Cao Jianlin and David Bacon made welcome addresses at the workshop. Both of them highly praised the deep exchange in scientific and technological areas of UK and China and were looking forward to further cooperation of the two countries in key technologies in energy storage.
Two professors from UK also spoke at the workshop. Prof. Brian Collins CB FREng introduced the future energy landscape and government policy framework of UK and Prof Richard Williams OBE, FREng made a summary of key findings arising from the previous workshop held in Landon.
The workshop also included a poster session and discussions on key issues in energy storage and across demonstrations projects and commercialization.
It was a return workshop for CAS and The Royal Academy of Engineering joint workshop on energy storage held at the beginning of this year in a bid to deep further communication between the two countries.