Researchers has developed a family of eco-friendly glass of biological origin fabricated from biologically derived amino acids or peptides. The proposed glass is biodegradable and biorecyclable.
Researchers have developed a multifunctional hydrogel electrode with excellent conductivity, adhesion, and anti-interference properties, which can achieve high-quality wireless collection of prefrontal EEG signals.
Researchers reported a simple room-temperature route to construct a magical CoxB skin on the surface of sodium manganese hexacyanoferrates, demonstrating thousands-cycle level cycling lifespan and high energy density close to LiFePO4 for Li-ion ba...
Researchers have developed a novel catalytic template assisted interfacial polymerization strategy to prepare a highly permeable acid-resistant nanofiltration (NF) membrane for acidic wastewater treatment.
A research group from the IPE has developed a novel "etching-swelling-planting" strategy following interfacial polymerization (IP) to prepare a mix-charged nanofiltration (NF) membrane for wastewater treatment.
Rereachers from IPE have developed a cation defect engineering technique to synthesize Pt-single-atom catalysts with ultrahigh mass activity for large-scale hydrogen production at low cost.
Using acidification and KOH activation at high temperature, the researchers have transformed floc sludge into porous carbon matrix composites and used as an electrode material for application in capacitors, compared effects of different treatment ...
A research group has developed a novel antifouling nanofiltration membrane for various types of industrial liquid separation. The new membrane applies new knowledge about the role of pore size distribution in filtration.