Speaker:Prof. Anton P.J. Middelberg
Date and Time:15:00-16:30, Aug 30th, 2018
Venue:Meeting Room 104, IPE Biochemical Building C
In this seminar I will first give a brief overview of our institution with a focus on the Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences, which I am honored to lead.
I will then speak to my own research, which is focused on bio-inspired nanostructures that have unique properties, for example the ability to be switched between metastable states. I will outline our research into the design, use and application of peptide and protein systems that are active at fluid-fluid interfaces. Through bio-inspired molecular design and coupled with chemical process engineering, we are able see new approaches to global challenges that range from control of termites to auto-immunogenic treatment of cancer.
About the speaker:
Professor Anton Middelberg is the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences at The University of Adelaide. Prior to this he was Pro Vice Chancellor (Research and International) and Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research) at The University of Queensland.
Prof. Middelberg is an internationally-recognized research and thought leader in chemical and biomolecular engineering. His research is fundamental but directed toward significant problems including in the health and advanced manufacturing sectors.
The impact of Prof. Middelberg’s research has been recognized by Fellowship of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering and through award of the Brodie and Shedden-Uhde Medals of IEAust. In 2006, he won the TechConnect Prize in Boston for new technology having the highest potential, in the category of Physical Sciences, for market impact.
Prof. Middelberg is the author of more than 200 peer-reviewed journal articles, including a number of ISI highly cited papers. He is currently Editor-in-Chief of the international journal Chemical Engineering Science, an Associate Editor of Vaccine, and is on the advisory board of a number of journals.
To know more about Prof. Anton Middelberg at https://www.adelaide.edu.au/directory/anton.middelberg#