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Cooperation in Science and Technology Tops Agenda
Time: 2013-10-29
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Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev is continuing his visit to China. He arrived in Hefei, the capital of Anhui province, on Wednesday and delivered a speech in front of a group of university students.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev chose Hefei as the second leg of his two-day-trip to China. Local government officials gave a warm welcome to an old friend. Cooperation in science and technology is topping the agenda of Medvedev’s visit.

The Russian Prime Minister toured the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The Institute is very famous for its achievements in the research of nuclear fusion energy. Engineers and scientists introduced their advanced physics models at its laboratories.

Medvedev also give a lecture at the University of Science of Technology of China.

"We need to explore new ways of cooperation. Innovation is the key element to pushing forward joint collaboration in science and technology. More support should be made to encourage scientists, the institute and the public, to be creative in doing research.” said Dmitry Medvedev, Russian Prime Minister."We are glad that Medvedev said there will be more youth exchanges between the two countries in culture as well as science and technology." said one student.

"Russia is advanced in nuclear fusion energy. Medvedev has highlighted the importance of cooperation in science and technology. I think that is good news for Chinese scientists and students.” said another student.

Besides cooperation in science and technology, Dmitry Medvedev is also attaching great importance to boosting cultural exchanges. Both sides believe and hope that the closer communication is, the stronger ties will be. (CCTV)

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