Hui Mizhou, Professor of IPE received the National May 1st Labor Medal Award at the ceremony conference for awarding national labors last week.
Prof. Hui Mizhou got his doctor degree from University of Toronto in 1995. After graduation, he went to Banting and Best Institute of the University of Toronto as a visiting scholar and to the Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute of Mount Sinai Hospital as a postdoc. Had been worked in Amgen, Curagen Corporations abroad and several national pharmaceutical companies like Harbin Pharmaceutical Group, North China Pharmaceutical Group and Hangzhou Amprotein Bioengineering Co. Ltd, Hui became a professor of National Key Laboratory of Biochemical Engineering of IPE in 2010. His research focuses on mammalian cell culture and novel biological drug development. Hui Mizhou has made achievements on mechanisms of gene expression of eukaryocyte based on DNA physical structure and non-bubbling oxygen transfer. More than 20 papers and international patents were published and 3 of them were fulfilled industrialization.