May 17-19, 2010, IPE New Campus, Beijing, 260 scholars and experts from 43 countries attended the 3rd International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorization (WasteEng 10), including Director Wenping Liang, Chemistry Dept of National Natural Science Foundation, Prof. Moonsun Kwuo, Prof. Jianyong Chen, Prof. Zhang Yi , Prof. Li Hongzhong and Prof. Zhang Suojiangfrom IPE.
WasteEng 10 is organized by IPE and Ecole Des Mines d'Albi-Carmaux, EMAC, France, the co-organizers are Tsinghua University, Columbia University, Princeton University and CASEA. The conference is sponsored by CAS, NSFC and Springer Publishing. Prof. Huizhou Liu from IPE and Prof. A. Nzihou from EMAC co-chaired the conference.
With the 5 invited speakers from Canada, Australia, Japan, China and Sweden, the 3-day conference focuses the topics like Gasification of biomass, Sludge and Municipal solid waste, Fly ash, Plastic recycling, Wastewater and groundwater, Cement and concrete, Waste to Energy, Organic & Inorganic waste, Metallurgical and Pyrometallurgical recycling, CO2 issues, Biodiesel, Biomethane, Bioethanol & bio-oil, Heavy metals polluants, Spent catalyst & Optical waste, Absorbent from waste, Rubber & tyre valorization .
This is the first time that WasteEng is held in Asia-Pacific region. WasteEng05 and 08 were held in Albi, France and Athens, Greece. The conference serves as a great platform for the world scientists and industries in the environmental and energy sector to meet together to share ideas and experiences on their recent works and new perspectives in environmental and energy issues.